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Category: Latest

Mental health fears cloud school reopenings

By Meredith Elkins

“Nothing should stand in the way of fully reopening our public schools this fall and keeping them open,” said Randi Weingarten, American Federation of Teachers president, in a speech last week. But she also emphasized that the full return won’t be as easy as reopening the school gates. Educators will have to address students’ emotional … Continued

Op-Ed: Our Kids’ Mental Health Can’t Wait

By Meredith Elkins

It’s been a year since the word “COVID” became part of our national vocabulary. Lives have been lost, families have struggled to survive, and our collective mental health has suffered in unimaginable ways. We have all felt grief, uncertainty, and stress — and our nation’s youth are no exception.

As schools reopen, we can’t leave mental health behind

By Meredith Elkins

Even before COVID-19 changed life as we know it, young people in the U.S. were experiencing sharp increases in mental health conditions. Between 2009 and 2017, rates of depression increased by more than 60% among kids ages 14-17, and, over a similar time period, the rate of suicide among those ages 10-14 nearly tripled.